convert flange model to foot bracket model you will need FB-B-10 assy 422683CVP(C)B Compensator This is a right hand rotation (if left hand is need rotate it 180 degrees) Align the compensator, drill thru and put in lockwire thru the seal, next compress seal with the right tool. Black circle = compensator piston and rod S/A kit is included 02-328397 White square = yoke bearing kit is included 923987 White triangle = shaft bearing kit is included 923988C, CG & CV Compensator Right Hand Rotation (if you want left hand rotation it needs to be 180 degrees) Black triangle = seal kit piston pump – 02-348242…….bearing spacer kit – 942401………shim kit – 923938 Black square = rotating group is included Put the gasket that has small end of teardrop hole and is pointing in the way of compensator adjusting plug.
If you need more info on this particular pump or any Make of Vickers Hydraulic Pumps or Motors, call us at 662-871-8403