A. Impulse Drains
This type of drain does not have levers, pilot device or levers. Has one part that moves. Has an actuator that doesn’t let it gunk up or let debris in that will not let it drain properly.
B. When air goes thru the filer (A), (B) has the same amount of pressure in sump point and (E)is a little bit lower at both points than the filter inlet line. Most if it has friction in flow areas. If the air flow stops, the pressure (B) goes up so it can be the samein the inlet pressure and makes the liquid to go over to the piston seal (C) into (E) til (B) & (E) will both match inlet pressure. When air goes to flowing in the filter, pressure in upper point (B) goes down so pressure in sump area (E) makes piston (D) to make oring go up and off set (F) and getting rid of stuff in the sump pump. It make s pressure go down in the sump (E) and it make the pressure in the upper part (B) go back down and it shuts off the drain.
C. Float Drains
These drains are mainly used to take air out of drain legs and filters. Usually it is open, pilot is rated for 10 – 250 psi. It is closed by line pressure, the valve is and the pilot valve is under water. The discharge is done by air pressure, giving off a on and off positioning. The float on it is not heavy at all and it doesn’t keep fluid in it all and it want leak. You can clean it and you don’t have to take it to do it. It has manual override to check to see how it is doing. When the air system is down, to goes back to it’s original state and water will go out naturally.
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