A. There are extra code letters or numbers that could be added to the model number if it is a special kind of unit. B. Pumps that have the usual size ports will work minus the detriment if the inlet conditions are within range. C. Drive shafts are suggested on different horsepower if it is in the shaded area on the chart. This shows general data about the 2200 series to give you the best optimum performance out of your unit. The chart at the top is a theoretical displacement. Shaft seal types A. * Special Feature – it is made for external shaft or pliable drive couplings. C. Workable bleed drilling in either side of the adaptor Take out the uppermost screw after you put it in. Work in other seals and feasible bleed facility making it to be able to use it on a direct mounting on torque converters and gear boxes. Z. Workable on dual rotation units with the HP lip seal that will uphold back pressure that goes up to 20 bar. CZ. This is a Z type that has workable bleed facility on top of the adaptor only. S. * has special featureShows displacement and working pressures that are for the 1900 and 2200 range on gear pumps and motors
This is done in metric diimensions.
Let us know if we can assist you with answers to questions or if we can repair your unit.